REbekah Lowri Llewelyn

cinematographer | Writer | photographer

Molly Mason

filmmaker | Designer

Unfurl is a growing community of storytellers, filmmakers and writers striving to share authentic and engaging stories that inspire change.
We are passionate about bringing to light untold real-world stories about the relationships that sustain us - our connections with the land, language, and each other.
Rebekah Lowri Llewelyn is a multidisciplinary storyteller with a passion for documenting stories at the intersection of climate, culture, landscape, and language through the mediums of documentary film, photography, and writing. As a native Welsh speaker, folklorist, and self professed bookwyrm, Rebekah's work is informed by her deep connection to her Welsh roots; passionate about telling stories about people, places and process; about magic, myth and memory.
Molly Mason brings to the table a wealth of experience in Design and documentary filmmaking. With a background in farming from Dorset, Her love for nature and sustainable agriculture drives her creativity and passion for environmentally-friendly practices in the industry. She has a keen eye for detail and a talent for coordinating all aspects of a production, ensuring that every project is executed flawlessly.
Together, they form a creative collective that is dedicated to crafting visually stunning and emotionally resonant films. They believe that storytelling has the power to create positive change in the world and are committed to using their skills to make a meaningful impact.
If you're interested in working with us, joining our creative collective, or would just like to say hi, please drop me us message using the form below. WE're looking forward to hearing from you!
Thank you!
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